
What is Lighthouse Music?

Lighthouse Music is a collective of musicians and worship leaders led by Quint Adkins whose desire is make Christ known by the testimony of our worship leadership. They do this by:

  • Partnering with local churches and ministries to lead at DNOWs, Camps, Revivals, Conferences and more.

  • Writing, recording and releasing congregational and devotional hymns and songs.

  • Training and equipping worship leaders and musicians with what they need to serve their churches and ministries well.


Lighthouse Music.

Why “Lighthouse Music”?

After years of praying about a band name, I finally decided that the answer was not a NEW name but rather an OLD name. In 1973 my great-grandfather had an evangelistic radio program called ‘The Lighthouse’ which broadcasted the Good News of the Gospel all over Appalachia in the form of music, preaching and prayer requests. Later, my grandfather piggybacked off the concept when he named his personal ministry “Beacon Ministries.”

Almost 50 years have passed since that name/concept first appeared in the Adkins family, and as I’ve prayed about what the central mission of my band and music ministry ought to be it is this: I desire to guide God’s people to the shores of hope and redemption to which the Lord has called them. I want to teach and encourage and disciple others through music.

Ultimately, I suppose, it doesn’t hurt that I am taking this name from a man whose name I already bear. 50 years later, this Caudle Adkins (3 generations removed) is once again using music and media to shine the light of Christ into a dark, distorted, and distracted world.
— Quint Adkins; Founder and Director