Don't Let Your Worry Wane Your Worship
This past week of camp was hard.
Camp and ministry are always hard, but this week was just emotionally, spiritually and physically draining on another level. I've been on the road since May 25th and have been on the verge of losing my voice for the last two weeks, but this week was just different. I found myself consumed with exhaustion and anxiousness that were self-fueling and cyclical. I felt spent and was frankly unsure how I would make it to our next and final week of camp, but in some free rehearsal time me and the band started singing some songs not on our camp setlist just for kicks and giggles. One way or another we end up singing "Jireh" by Maverick City and slowly but surely our silly jam session became more and more "real" for me. In the midst of my exhaustion-induced worry, we hit the second bridge that just happens to comes right out of Matthew 6:
“If he dresses the lilies
with beauty and splendor,
how much more will he clothe you…
If he watches over every sparrow,
how much more does he love you”
As that truth began to sink in in a unique way, I couldn't help but run to the scriptures I had been singing. As I read, I was overwhelmingly reminded of the steadfast faithfulness of God. I was reminded that no matter how stressful things would get that the Lord would provide and that He would do so in abundance, but yet my issue still remained. I was still exhausted and consumed with worry when it hit me that it's okay to be frustrated, confused, drained and worried about what tomorrow will bring as long as my Worry doesn't Wane my Worship. Jesus isn't saying it's silly to be preoccupied with worry or stress... it's a part of the broken human expirience. Rather, what He is saying in Matthew 6 is that those worries need not distract us from the fact that HE is provider, protector, deliverer, sustiainer and will not leave us or forsake us. Matthew 6 is about resting in the fact that though we might not know HOW God will provide, He will 100% come through in the end. We will worry, but we can trust Him in the midst of that worry and sure enough, we're back at it for week 6: voice *mostly* healed, energy restored and ready for what the Lord has in store for our last week of camp.
The Lord is good and kind!